Bridge and Ice Resurfacers: A Fated Match
At Bridge Analyzers there are two things we love more than most things: a good Exhaust Gas Analyzer and a fresh sheet of ice. So the fact that the world’s most famous manufacturer of ice resurfacing machines has been our customer for several years makes us really happy. We know that if you want to make and maintain good ice you need a well maintained and tuned ice resurfacing machine, and the only way to make sure that your ice resurfacing machine is tuned and ready to make great ice is to use a Bridge Exhaust Gas Analyzer for your emissions testing.
The more we thought about it the more it seemed like fate that the world’s most famous ice resurfacing company would be one of our customers. We’re a gas analyzer company with ice in our veins. Since longer than most of us here at Bridge Analyzers can remember we’ve been hauling our hockey equipment to rinks and looking forward to jumping on a fresh sheet of ice for an hour or two of freedom and joy.

Our Marketing Director plying his trade back in the day.
If you take a walk through our offices chances are over half the people you see have played or still play hockey regularly. When we leave the office we likely have a rink somewhere in our near future.
We know good ice, and we know good ice requires a well maintained and tuned ice resurfacing machine, and a good ice resurfacing machine needs to be tuned carefully (preferably with a Bridge 5 Gas Analyzer) if it is going to do its job well. We’re glad that in some small way we have a hand in making sure ice all over the world is smooth, hard, and fast, just the way we like it.