At Bridge Analyzers, we are always happy when we get the opportunity to help our clients learn more about how to optimally utilize our products, especially when we get to do it with them at their production facilities.

Late last week, we visited one of our packaged meal clients in order to train their quality control and quality assurance teams on how to optimally use the Bridge model 9001 Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) Gas Analyzer. The Bridge model 9001 is designed to measure CO2 and O2 environments, which makes it the ideal choice for analyzing headspace in packaged meals.

David Anderson, President of Bridge Analyzers, conducted the training session by walking the client through a step by step tutorial of how to set-up, calibrate, and operate the Bridge model 9001.

Bridge Analyzers model 9001

Bridge Analyzers model 9001

training session

Bridge Analyzers President David Anderson conducts the training session

We began the training session by reviewing the guidelines for analyzer use as well as going over the basics of general operation and concluded the session by showing our client a few ways to troubleshoot the analyzer.

The first element of the guidelines that we focused on with the client was to make sure that they always use a Bridge needle and a Bridge filter .

All of our competitors use hypodermic needles on their analyzers, but we have discovered that due to the sharp nature of hypodermic needles they can easily become blocked and contaminated by both the septum material and the product itself, thus giving a faulty reading of the headspace gas under consideration. In contrast, our needles are pointed and have cross-drilled gas ports 6 mm from their tip to ensure that only gas— and not septum material or product— is being sampled during analysis. The proprietary redesign of our needles has solved this long-standing, industry-wide problem.

Bridge needle

Bridge Analyzers proprietary needle technology

We also made sure to emphasize the importance of using a Bridge filter when performing an analysis and to never operate the analyzer without a filter installed properly. Our filter is high flow and water blocking, and when properly installed directly behind the sample needle will ensure that the sample line is kept clean and dry. Improper installation of the filter at the analyzer and not at the needle will result in a contaminated sample line that will deliver faulty readings, as well as potentially damage the analyzer.

Another problem that our customer was experiencing had to do with getting faulty readings due to the analyzer being in a state of thermal shock. It is very important to store the analyzer in the thermal environment of use. If this is not done (i.e. you store the analyzer in the office and not on the production floor where it will be used) the analyzer will be in a state of thermal shock when it is brought back to the thermal environment of use and will not deliver accurate readings. Storing the analyzer in a protected area at the temperature at which it will be used is very important, as it prevents thermal shock when it is brought back to the line and reduces the possibility of receiving thermally induced errors in analysis. To ensure consistent and accurate readings it is also recommended to isolate the analyzer from the fluctuations in temperature and any moisture caused by the wash-down process.

After going over these and other guidelines for analyzer use, we showed the client how to perform a quick calibration check by running the analyzer against a known reference test gas and then continuing to utilize it to analyze the headspace of a packaged meal.

We had a great time conducting this training session with our customer and are always glad when we can help all of our customers do what they do better. We look forward to working with you soon.