The Importance of Using Exhaust Gas Analyzers (EGA) for Superior Motorcycle Performance Tuning

It’s riding season, which means it’s time to dust off your bike, get your mind right, and hit the road. But before you do, you should make sure your bike is tuned up and ready to perform like the beast it is. At Bridge Analyzers we know motorcycle performance is key to a good ride, and that’s why we like to think of our Exhaust Gas Analyzers as Performance Enhancing Devices (PEDs if you will). The difference between our PEDs and the ones that A-Rod and Mr. Armstrong once used, is that, one, they’re legal, and, two, for those of us who like to unbridle all of our horses, they’re probably the best way to get the most out of your engine’s capacity.

5 Gas Analyzer

Our series of Exhaust Gas Analyzers (EGA) are perfect for performance tuning purposes. Our analyzers give you quick feedback on combustion chemistry, air-to-fuel ratio, and other vital engine performance data that will allow you to make more accurate tuning decisions. Quick feedback, better performance data, and optimized tuning decisions means you’ll be able to go faster, farther, which is what we’re all about.

Whether you’re a recreational rider or think that you’re the reincarnation of Mike Hailwood or a younger version of Giacomo Agostini, our series of EGA gas analyzers will allow you to perform at your best.

For a more in depth discussion of how our Exhaust Gas Analyzers can be used for your performance tuning purposes, read our white paper: High Performance Tuning – Engine Exhaust Gas Levels.

We hope you enjoy the beginning of riding season. Let us know how we can help.

To learn more about how to get the highest performance out of your motorcycle, contact us at

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